UTM Downloads

These downloads are for installation support for existing partners and customers only. Use the links below to gain access to the full software files.

If you are looking for Sophos XG Firewall downloads then please click here.

If you are interested in Sophos UTM but haven’t yet purchased it, follow the link to sign up for a free trial. Alternatively, if you want a free trial of the Sophos Firewall products then follow the link to sign up for a Sophos Firewall free trial.

Sophos UTM

Complete unified threat management for your network. Existing customers may download the full ISO below for installation support.

Sophos UTM

Platform: UTM v9 hardware appliance

Size:1.4 GB
Sophos UTM

Platform: UTM v9 software appliance

Size:1.4 GB
Sophos UTM

Platform: UTM v9 GPL source

Size:1.4 GB

Sophos Transparent Authentication Suite (STAS)

Sophos Transparent Authentication Suite enhances Sophos UTM 9 and XG Firewall, adding user authentication without the need to install an additional client on users' workstations. Please see the Sophos UTM Transparent Authentication Suite installation guide.

Sophos Transparent Authentication Suite (STAS)
Size:2.25 MB

Sophos Connect (IPSec and SSLVPN Client)

Sophos Connect is an advanced IPsec VPN and SSLVPN client, available for Windows and Mac. Please see the Release notes for further information. 

Sophos Connect

Platform: Windows 10 and 11

Size:12.5 MB
Sophos Connect

Platform: macOS 11 and later

Note: Sophos Connect for Mac currently supports only IPSec VPNs.

Size:8.5 MB

Sophos UTM Manager

Sophos UTM Manager is no longer available for download. Please see this announcement for more information.