Advisory: Sisense Data Breach

Sophos Central
发布 ID sophos-sa-20240415-sisense-data-breach
文章版本 1
First Published
解决方法 No


On Thursday, April 11, 2024, the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) published an alert regarding the Compromise of Sisense Customer Data where they recommend customers reset credentials and secrets used in Sisense cloud services and to investigate any suspicious activity.

Sophos leverages the self-hosted version of Sisense Fusion in its Threat Analysis Center and Sophos Central customizable dashboards, which have been integrated with the minimum privileges possible. In addition, through our own detailed investigation of logs, we have not discovered any suspicious activity or compromise of Sophos or Sophos customer data. Sophos continues to monitor and validate that customers are not affected.

We will update this advisory if we discover any new information.

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